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Meal And Strip Dinner

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What would be a stag party without a stripper? Like a summer without sun! Breaking things down to basics, men have very simple needs: we need food, we need booze, and we need to see unfathomably hot women get naked and do naughty things to each other. First satisfy needs of your body with delicious steak dinner and  famous Estonian beer. Then please your eyes on the highlight of this evening: a strip show. This is the night you will never forget! You will have a table reserved for two hours in a central located restaurant and your female guide will take you there. Tallinn Steak and Strip Dinner is available all year round. Go one - you know you want too. We can add another stripper if one is not enough. Just let us know.

Your charming female guide will meet you at your hotel bar and walk you to a city center restaurant where we have got nothing but a sizzling evening planned. Each mate will get on free shot to get the evening in the right mood.

Ideal welcome dinner for the evening you arrive!

This is a meal that the stag wont forget for a long time and will thank you for arranging.
You simply cannot miss this one!


Two-hour table reservation in a private room

Main Meal

One female stripper (two strippers or even lesbo show available for extra fee)

1 Beer each


3 Hours


Make Sure You Don't Eat Too Much Before The Activity :)


£ 79 per person

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Group information